
5 weeks today

And I'm sat in bed, having slept for hours this evening due to extreme tiredness, and I'm eating cold cucumber slices and cheese...having tried mints and crackers... I am feeling fairly nauseous. My husband said I look pregnant already as I have a bit of a bump showing which is most likely bloating but I'm finding it uncomfortable in my jeans and skirts.

I have been having my hcg blood levels done and at 4+ 2wks it was 849 which is double the average... Twins?!  Last time at 5 weeks my level was 48.

Of course I am really conscious of every cramp and back pain after the miscarriage in March and am worried it might happen again.

I've booked a midwife appointment for a couple of weeks time but I think I might bring it forward and see if I can have an early scan for reassurance.

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