I never thought I'd be pregnant still! The next goal is 32 weeks as I think that means that the baby has an even better chance. Top be honest I think at this stage if I got to 35 weeks I would consider myself fairly home and dry. Although I know deep down that still things do and can go wrong at 40 weeks. But all that is nothing I am going to worry about.

Mum and I have worked hard this week during my first week of maternity leave to get systems in place in the house so that things hopefully run more smoothly. We've reorganised the entire house I think in the process and I keep looking in the wrong cupboards for things in the kitchen! We have organised and put away all the baby clothes and I've just put the last sheets on to wash ready to make up the moses basket and carrycot. Oh I feel so much more on top of everything now.
I've been concerned about getting a routine going for the baby and the more I read the more complicated it gets! I've looked at Gina Ford, the Baby Whisperer, Baby Wise and a handful of others.... I've come to the conclusion that I need to listen to my baby and trust my instincts. Burn those books!!
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