
The phone call I had been waiting for...

I had the phone call from my Rheumatology nurse to say that the new biologic drug I was due to try next has come through and I could start it. However I had to tell her about wanting to try for a second baby and please could she sort the blood test paperwork to check for the levels of Methotrexate in my system instead!


  1. Hi, was browsing through the net and found your blog! I have RA too since I was 19. I am going to be 31 this year, married and have been trying to start a family for about 6 months. Still no luck. I am on a drug called Actemra taken when necessary normally once every 2 months. I am still afraid if they could be any side effects to the baby although doc assured me that it would not.. It has been 3 months since I last took Actemra and my RA is acting up again and I really hateeee it as I just did my HSG and my gynae said we can proceed with IUI next month. I really wanted to start will all the IUI processes drug free but having RA.. It is just so unpredictable to tell. Glad it work out for you and you are now planning for your second baby. I am more than happy and thankful if God can give me and hubby a baby this year. One will do if not more :)

    1. The things we put ourselves through! Good luck on your journey x

  2. Hi. I have aggressive ra and im of methotrexate (2 months) only on naproxen and pain relief.I was feeling very deflated with the pain etc until I came across your blog. I CAN do this! Can I ask why only 3 months for the methotrexate, I was advised 6 months...

  3. Thank you both for reading my blog and commenting. I really hope that both of you are able to have babies soon and that your arthritis stays as under control as possible whilst trying. It's tough isn't it!

  4. Thank you both for reading my blog and commenting. I really hope that both of you are able to have babies soon and that your arthritis stays as under control as possible whilst trying. It's tough isn't it!

  5. The pain in my knees,elbows,hands are so sore today,its so tough.I was ment to be on sulphazine but two weeks in I suffered serum sickness.Didn't anticipate doing this with only naproxen.Fingers crossed i reach 4 months off then I'll start trying. Ho luck!
