
Oh my knees

What is wrong with them?! They are seriously hacked off with the snow, ice and cold weather I think.  My snow boots still haven't arrived so it's no fun trying to walk in normal boots outside at the moment - it's so slippery and I am worried about falling over and injuring my joints whilst they are so painful.  The forecast says that we are due to get more snow and for it to get even colder...brr.  I've just made sure all my thermals are out and ready to be put on! ...Ding dong...yey boots have arrived and look like they might be alright!  Right, back to my knees - they keep giving way at the moment which is most disconcerting, especially because I keep slipping on the stairs which is scary. At home I now have an extra banister, but at work, the stairs are very steep and single glaze windows are precariously close to the stairs - I keep thinking that if I fell, I might fall through the window!

Sleep is not going so well at the moment.  Our neighbour seems to think that talking on the phone at 3am, REALLY LOUDLY so that I can hear everything he is saying, is okay.  I beg to differ.... So this is not helping the little amount of sleep that I am getting.

On the upside, the Plaquenil that I have been on since January, really does seem to be helping matters.  I am down to between 5-10mg of Prednisone and will try and get off it altogether.  This is just incredible.  Roll on the good times!

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