
A sad day

Today I miscarried our much wanted baby at 5+3 weeks and am heartbroken.  It started this afternoon with bad cramps and then the bleeding started.  This evening I passed lots of tissue.  We are going to buy a tree and bury it underneath.

We talked earlier about what an amazing and loving Heavenly Father we have and despite the sadness we feel about losing our baby, we are overjoyed to know that he or she is home in Heaven with Jesus.  What place can  be better?

We had named our baby George a few weeks ago as something to call him or her as we didn't like 'it'!  So tomorrow, if I am up to it, we will go and buy George's tree and say goodbye.



  1. I am so sorry to hear your news.. ((())) xxx

  2. I am so sorry to hear this hun, It will happen for you though, dont give up. Wish I could give you a huge hug xxx

  3. Thank you girls for your comments, they encouraged me. x
